Our Story

Providing the highest quality early childhood education since 1996.

janes Place Games


Jane’s Place was established in 1996 in Dover Heights.

This boutique ‘home-away-from-home’ centre successfully grew to establish centres in Vaucluse, Kensington, Maroubra, Chifley and South Coogee, all under the management and ownership of Jane Zarfati.

These centres were based around home-like environments focusing on a nurturing atmosphere while offering the highest standards of care. Jane’s Place employed hand-picked, highly trained, exceptional staff who became an integral part of the Jane’s Place community. Many of these employees being with Jane’s Place for over 10 years.

Early Learning Childcare Centre

Mission Statement

At Jane's Place ELC, we are aware of the importance of good beginnings and are committed to creating a caring and educational learning environment where your child can thrive and reach their full potential.

Jane’s Place Alexandria’s newly renovated, purpose-built ELC provides unique learning spaces that focus on families' and children’s individual needs while providing homely, nurturing and educationally focused environments.

We support each child’s growing needs and interests whilst providing a solid grounding for future transitions into school life.

Our highly trained and motivated staff guide and provide children with a secure and holistic approach to Early Childhood, which draws upon a wide range of teaching philosophies and techniques.

Early learning preschool


All areas of your child’s development are guided and supported by a child-focused/educator-guided weekly program.

Our educators deliver an interest-based program by linking children’s interests with a teacher-directed curriculum. This allows us to provide a tailored program that meets each child’s learning needs.

Information is gathered through observations and daily communication to better understand each child's needs and interests and develop a program appropriate to each child and the setting. 

At Jane’s Place ELC, we offer an inclusive program which supports families’ home and cultural practices and recognises and respects individual faiths and needs. We also invite parents to participate in our program - to share skills, interests, and knowledge, and to actively participate in their child's development and our Centre's activities.


Jane's Place ELC uses Xplor's Home app to inform parents of their child’s daily activities, access documentation, view account information and update enrolment information.

Each day your child attends Jane’s Place, their journey and exploration of their interests are documented through observations, photographs and videos. These can then be uploaded and are accessible through the app on your phone allowing you to view your child’s development, significant activities, or journeys that have occurred during their day. This is filled with memories, friendships developed, interests and the many joys experienced daily.

Download Home below.


We strive to practice sustainability throughout the day-to-day running of our centre. We include the children with our sustainable practice throughout the day by…

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    Composting, worm farms, and gardening, which provides fresh fruit and vegetables to harvest for our in-house cook.

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    Engaging children in discussions about sustainable practices. E.g. noticing how a waste bin is full, and how food and leftover food scraps can be disposed.

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    Encouraging children to participate in recycling, sourcing and using donated/recycled materials for arts ‘n crafts, using both side of a piece of paper.

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    We assign roles such as “Energy Savers” to be responsible for noticing lights, fans and other appliances left on when not needed and ‘Water Savers” who are responsible for noticing taps left on and other wasted water.

Childcare Subsidy Calculator

Child Care Subsidy is available and eligible parents/guardians are required to contact Centrelink.

For more information on the Child Care Subsidy, please visit www.humanservices.gov.au or phone 13 28 61