The Outdoor Play & Learning Environments
Our expansive areas for open-ended play with large or small groups of children encourage the development of your child’s gross motor skills, as well as combining more quiet and informal areas needed throughout the busy days of activities and socialisation.
We are fortunate to have extensive grassed areas, sandpits which provide many wonderful learning experiences for the children and cubbies allowing for open-ended dramatic play.
The outdoor environment also offers the discovery and exploration of nature and its many wonders through our Herb and Vegetable Garden. Children have the opportunity to grow and harvest some ingredients for our kitchen and have exposure to and participation in the sequence of recycling. This element of our program fosters appreciation and respect for natural environments and living things.
We believe that children absorb and develop their knowledge based on all aspects of life and learning, through interactive, culturally rich and diverse activities and programs.

Childcare Subsidy Calculator
Child Care Subsidy is available and eligible parents/guardians are required to contact Centrelink.
For more information on the Child Care Subsidy, please visit www.humanservices.gov.au or phone 13 28 61